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All therapists at One-Eighty Counseling, P.A. are independent contractors and the information and opinions posted in each individual therapists’ blog, is the expressed professional and/or personal opinion of that therapist. One-Eighty Counseling, P.A. does not endorse any specific opinion and is not responsible for the professional and/or personal opinions of the contractor/individual therapist.
Articles by Sarah R. Coates, LCMHC, NCC, DCC
Managing your Mental Health in a Pandemic By Sarah R. Coates, LCMHC, NCCWhen asked to write about navigating your mental health in the COVID pandemic, I found myself confronting my own fears, doubts and uncertainties. It’s all we’ve been talking about since March....
I recently saw this experiment floating around the internet , where an apple was cut in half and separated into two baggies. One half was spoken to with kind, positive , encouraging words and the other half was told rotten, negative, angry statements. About a week later the apple spoken to positively was mildly brown whereas her other half, had begun to rot and wither …
Articles by Julie DeFalco, LCSW
Trauma in Children and Adolescents By Julie DeFalco, LCSW and Clinical Director of Child & Adolescent ServicesOne may ask, how can multiple children be in the same situation, even the same family, and one have trauma and one not? It’s not only the event but how...
Generational Trauma By Julie DeFalco, LCSW and Clinical Director of Child & Adolescent ServicesRecent research has shown that trauma can be passed down in families through genetics and environment. Here, we will focus on the environmental component. Parents often...
Articles by Dr. Ryan Denney, PhD
You are alive to give a unique gift to the world that no one else has to give. This is your medicine for a hurting planet. Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, the world desperately needs your medicine. The medicine you bring the world is what flows out of you in the moments when you are your best self. It is the good you bring out in those around you …
The basic necessities for human survival are food, water, shelter, warmth, safety and so on. If you have these basics, you can physically survive in almost any situation. But what are the basic necessities for emotional survival when life’s difficulties challenge our mental health? Here are some skills that, if well-developed, can enable us to successfully survive and …
Articles by Allison Ernest, LMFT
Boundaries and Connection during COVID 19 by Allison Ernest, LMFTWe are only a little over a week into restructuring our whole lives within the space of our homes and already a few things have become abundantly clear. We are likely scared, anxious, lonely,...
Articles by Emily Fry, LCMHC, LCAS, NCC
Recovery is Not Linear By Emily Fry, LCMHC, LCAS, NCC Clinical Director of Substance Use and Addiction ServicesSince 1989, September has been deemed National Recovery Month by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This was to help...
Articles by Michael Garner, MA, LMFT
Over the last few weeks we have been hearing a lot of stuff about the Ashley Madison hack. This has sparked many conversations regarding the surprising names that have been found on that list, the most notably being Josh Duggar. Nearly everyday I hear of broken individuals and broken families because of extra-marital affairs, pornography, lying or a countless other ways …
Over the last few weeks we have been hearing a lot of stuff about the Ashley Madison hack. This has sparked many conversations regarding the surprising names that have been found on that list, the most notably being Josh Duggar. Nearly everyday I hear of broken individuals and broken families because of extra-marital affairs, pornography, lying or a countless other ways …
Articles by Phil Guistwite, LMFT
Spiritual and Religious Trauma By Phil Guistwite, M.Div., M.S., LMFT Company Chaplain and Clinical Director for Mental and Behavioral Health ServicesThis is such an important and expansive topic for therapists and clients to consider. All humans are spiritual, even if...
Trauma in Military Families By Phil Guistwite, LMFT Company Chaplain & Clinical Director of Mental Health ServicesI was privileged to be a US Army Chaplain on active duty for twenty years. My wife served next to me and she became a US Army civilian employee taking...
Articles by Olatunde Howard, MA, LMFT
What is "Emotional Healing"? by Olatunde Howard, MA, LMFTFirst, let’s look at physical healing. Say I have a bad fall and I scrape my knee–losing skin. First, I’d clean the scrape with water and hydrogen peroxide. Next, I’d put on an antibiotic ointment to prevent...
Forgiven for Reconciliation by Olatunde Howard, MA, LMFT(I’m writing as an LMFT who follows Jesus. For readers who do not follow Him, what I’m writing can still be helpful to you.) The reason God is so forgiving is that He is so relational.Forgiveness is God’s passion...
Articles by Hayat Shawwa, LCSW
Emotionally Safe Spaces Hayat Shawwa, LCSWEmotional safety. It’s what we are all looking for, and too often fail to find. In a world where we are constantly surrounded by so many people, it’s ironic that it’s become so hard to find. It’s often what brings people to...
Articles by Dr. Mark Stebnicki, LCMHC, CRC, DCMHS
Healing Complex Trauma within our Mind, Body, and Spirit By Dr. Mark A. Stebnicki, PsychotherapistPTSD awareness is essential for understanding the human spirit and soul hunger for healing the wounds of complex trauma and disaster. Our experience of complex trauma and...
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