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Leading From The Heart
Traditionally the beginning of the year usually brings about “New Resolutions for the New Year”. Historically people are talking about their New Year resolutions to lose weight, get out of debt, start a new hobby, join a gym, etc. Did you know that the second Friday of January is now known as “National Quitters Day”? What on earth?! We know that people make resolutions and now someone figured out that by day 10 people have already quit. Wow, this is society now? I’m chuckling.
Let’s reframe the term Resolutions. Let’s talk about Goals. American author and visual artist William S. Burroughs said famously, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”. Maybe… if you’re a plant. I mean, growth is important. However, I don’t know about you but I stopped “growing” at about 14. If you know me and know my height, you’re probably laughing about now. I’m not sure we as humans always HAVE to be growing. I think it’s good to grow, but then it is also very good to rest. It’s imperative to stop and enjoy your achievements and accomplishments.
I also think having goals in life can be more important. Goals keep you focused ahead. Setting goals keeps you moving forward toward improvement. Resolutions seem so, abstract. But goals… these are things that feel more specific; they help you move ahead in a structured sort of way. A resolution might be “I want to get out of debt this year.” But a goal is more specific, measured, actionable, relevant, and time-bound. Coined as SMART goals, this method will help you set in place actual steps toward the goal of something like financial freedom and becoming debt-free.
Whatever your goals for this year may be, think about taking SMART steps. Write down weekly what you’re working for and how you took the specific and measured steps towards your goal. Do this for 50ish weeks (we’re already in week 2 of January). And by the time January 2026 rolls around you’ll be glad you focused on GOALS, not mere resolutions!
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