The G.R.O.W. Principle

Leading From The Heart

I coined the G.R.O.W. Principle in 2018 when recognized as the Dynamic Entrepreneur of the Year by JNOW magazine. The award presenter asked me to speak about how I founded and grew a successful company. I talked about the G.R.O.W. method I developed and I still utilize it today when working with business coaching clients or even therapy clients. Whether you are seeking to grow professionally in a new skill set or start a new venture, or you’re wanting to grow personally in new relationships, fitness, or finances, consider the G.R.O.W. principle to assist in taking you to another level.


  • G- God or Higher power. I believe I am fully human and because of that, I have limitations. I believe in myself, I surround myself with people who are smarter than me in their areas of gifting, however, I still know that I am guided in this life by my higher power. I’ve always been guided by the biblical scripture Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and all of these things shall be added unto you”.
  • R- Risk. You cannot achieve anything in life without taking a little risk. Some of us are natural risk takers and it doesn’t feel that scary. For some others, it can feel paralyzing to take even a small risk. I don’t believe in failure. I believe in “try again”. If you take a risk and it doesn’t work out, try again differently.
  • O- Optimism. I am a glass-half-full person. I seek to see silver linings in hard times. I seek to find opportunities to grow through a struggle. I look for ways to go around obstacles and not be blocked by them.
  • W- Work. This is the key. Hard work does pay off. But it’s hard. We have to Work for what we want. If we want anything more out of life, whether it be more clients, more money, more friends, more authentic relationships…we have to work for those things. Life can feel magical at times, but life is not magic. We have to put in the work to achieve our next goal.

I encourage you today as you move through professional or personal journeys to consider the G.R.O.W. principle in navigating your own growth.

Be Well,

Turning Lives Around
Founder & President

The One80 Insider, our internal company newsletter, is regularly distributed to our team. The purpose of our newsletter is to build morale, colleague recognition, wellness strategies and tips, showcase team projects and blogs, highlight important announcements, and much more! Sarah Coates, LCMHC, Founder and Practice Owner, writes the cover story titled “Leading From The Heart” which serves as a personal blog and means of authentic, real-time communication of an important topic or relevant thoughts to be shared with the practice. Sarah’s hope is to lead from the heart, with deliberate authenticity and truth, while encouraging morale and thought-sharing.