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One80 Locations

Leading From The Heart
I never in my wildest dreams imagined that One80 Counseling would become as impactful as it is. I never dreamed I’d own a company much less lead it to 17 years old! I was “just a cheerleader” when I went to grad school to pursue becoming a High School English teacher. After taking and loving several graduate English classes, I had to take an elective. I chose to take an Intro to Counseling elective and the “rest is history” as they say. My interest in helping people through counseling was piqued. For my second elective, I took Abnormal Psychology and aced it- I was hooked! IYKYK! I changed my graduate program from English Literature with an add-on teaching license to a Masters in Education with an Emphasis in Counseling. I finished at Campbell University graduate school with a much higher GPA than my undergraduate program and the counselor in me was born. After a few years of working in the school system as a school counselor, I felt I was still lacking something. I continued to pursue my professional licensure and certification and in August of 2007 saw my first private practice client under One-Eighty Counseling, PA. Looking back over the course of my life, I became what I needed when I was younger… a therapist.
Over these 17 years we, the team of One80 Counseling, have impacted thousands upon tens of thousands of lives. The staff and providers on that team have changed from time to time. But the impact as a whole continues to remain steadfast. Now in our 17th year, we are adding two new lines of service to continue our impact and our reach: Medication Management and SAIOP. Again, that little blonde cheerleader on top of those pyramids in the early 90s never saw this coming. I’m so glad THE PLAN was bigger than my imagination!
Here’s to 17 more and more!!! Thanks for being on the journey with me.
Be Well,
Turning Lives Around
Founder & President