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by Dr. Ryan Denney, PhD
“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
You are alive to give a unique gift to the world that no one else has to give. This is your medicine for a hurting planet. Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, the world desperately needs your medicine.
The medicine you bring the world is what flows out of you in the moments when you are your best self. It is the good you bring out in those around you when you are shining your brightest, when you are at your most loving, connected, courageous, compassionate and hopeful. It has to do with the quality of your loving, and the soothing salve your loving brings to the hearts of those around you.
Perhaps life’s sorrows, disappointments or traumas have hidden your gift from you, or made you wonder if you have a gift at all. But no matter who you are or what you have been through, no matter the circumstances of your life at this moment, make no mistake, you have a gift to give, you have medicine for the world, you are here as part of the answer.
Your Medicine Brings Joy
Your Medicine Deepens Love
Your Medicine Builds Hope
Your Medicine Brings Freedom
Your Medicine Emanates from Your Deepest Soul
The gift you bring the world opens the hearts of those around you, it creates a sense of healing joy, love and hope both in others and in you. It has to do with what it is like to be around you, the way you make people feel and the way your gift frees the souls of others to give their deepest gift as well. It comes from your wisest, most authentic self, your soul. It is not necessarily about what you do, it is more about who you are and the way you do what you do.
How can you discover your gift, your medicine? Well, consider asking yourself this question: What is the effect I have on people when I am at my best? I invite you to take a moment of reflection and to answer from your deepest wisdom. And I encourage you to ask this question to some people in your life who know you well or who have known you a long time. Sometimes others see our gifts before we do. Then, once you have a sense of what your medicine is: give it! Give it away generously, to as many people and as often as possible. Perhaps you will find that in applying your medicine to others you are applying it to yourself as well.
Dr. Ryan M. Denney, PhD
is a licensed psychologist and Health Services Provider in North Carolina. Read Full Bio
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